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Easiest way to enjoy DVD movies with your iPhone

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Easiest way to enjoy DVD movies with your iPhone Empty Re: Easiest way to enjoy DVD movies with your iPhone

Post by gossipman Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:06 am

AMEN!!! As long as we don't have a standard technology to use, this madness will continue. Even GSM isn't standardized in the U.S. Sure a T-Mobile phone will work on AT&T. But 3G won't cross over. If there was one standard like Europe, then the carriers would have to be more competitive; maybe even follow the European model and practically give phones away (and some of them do). Although they can keep that tiered data structure U.S. carriers are starting to adopt.convert mp4 to mp3iPad Transfer

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Easiest way to enjoy DVD movies with your iPhone Empty ipadgeek

Post by ipadgeek Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:03 pm

Just installed. Tried to load it up but gave ms an error saying that it wasn’t properly installed (W11). Reinstalling again….VOB to MPEG Converter

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Easiest way to enjoy DVD movies with your iPhone Empty ipadgeek

Post by ipadgeek Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:12 am

I just tried the app for my daily read at lunch. No comics in the official ap. I think I will stick with press reader. A newspaper is not a newspaper without comics, both editorial or the regular funny pages. I also don't like that you need to be online to read. You can go online to read and it will save the items for reading later but if you didn't look at a section while connected then it won't load offline. With a wifi Ipad I like to load up the paper before I leave for work. Of course I can just crank up miwi on the phone and connect but that doesn't work on airplanes. I will be sticking with Press Reader.converting AVI to MP4 mac

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Easiest way to enjoy DVD movies with your iPhone Empty Re: Easiest way to enjoy DVD movies with your iPhone

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